
This document outlines the phased implementation strategy for VOOI, designed to seamlessly integrate new features and capabilities over time. While the general development phases are clear and fixed from the start, the specifics of implementation and exact features may be adjusted based on market conditions and demand.

Additionally, we recommend two resources to stay updated on VOOI's progress:

  • Data on VOOI: Explore data related to VOOI using Dune’s comprehensive analytics tools: VOOI Dashboard

  • Release Notes: For detailed release notes, refer to our VOOI:releaseNotes document.

Launch and Product Development Strategy Overview

The launch and product development of VOOI are structured into three key phases, each comprising multiple sub-phases:

  • Phase 1: 2024 Q2 – VOOI Unified Trading Terminal

  • Phase 2: 2024 Q3 – VOOI Intent-Based and Gasless Functionality

  • Phase 3: 2025 Q1 – VOOI PRO

These phases may progress partly in parallel, allowing for continuous development and refinement. The duration of each phase ranges from one to three months, with individual sub-phases lasting approximately 2-3 weeks.

What Has Been Accomplished

Currently, we are completing Phase 1: VOOI Unified Trading Terminal, Season 2 (beta): see Scheme 1 below.

Launching with the VOOI Unified Trading Terminal provides users with a single, consolidated tool for interacting with various perpetual DEXs across different networks.

  • (one) In May 2024, we released VOOI Unified Trading Terminal with support for the first perpetual DEX: Orderly on networks such as Arbitrum, Optimism, Base, and Polygon.

  • (two) Following Orderly’s integration in Season 1 of Phase 1, support for the second perpetual DEX: KiloEx on opBNB, BNB Chain, Taiko, and Manta was added.

  • (three) Further Expansion! Released support for the third perpetual DEX: SynFutures on Blast.

For each integrating perp DEX we provided traders with:

  • Feature Set: Provided a set of functions for optimal trading, which may differ for each perpetual DEX.

  • Rebates: Enabled rebates for each integrated perpetual DEX, offering users advantageous trading fee redistributions when trading through VOOI.

  • Referral Program: Implemented a customized referral program for each perpetual DEX.

  • Access to airdrops: Combined referral programs and rebates to offer users more merit points for more interesting airdrops.

To summarize achievements:

  1. VOOI Unified Trading Terminal supports three perp DEXs: Orderly, KiloEx, and SynFutures.

  2. Rebates, referral programs, and access to airdrops are available for each of the perpetual DEXs.

  3. Additional Features: Integrated trading automation on Orderly using single bots from Alertatron.

  4. Improvements: Enhanced the VOOI Unified Trading Terminal with TradingView charts, Pyth oracle, and multi-chain support.

Nearest Plans

As we near the completion of Phase 1, we will focus on the following tasks:

Terminal Enhancements and Unified Trading Functionality

  • Consolidated Order Book: Implement a consolidated order book across supported perpetual DEXs.

  • User Experience: Continue enhancing the user experience with the VOOI Unified Trading Terminal.

Support for New Perp DEXs

  • HyperLiquid: Introduce support for HyperLiquid.

  • Additional DEXs: Consider adding support for another perpetual DEX in Season 3 of Phase 1. More details to be announced later.

Mobile Terminal

  • Plans to introduce the mobile terminal.

Future Plans

Phase 2: Intent-Based and Gasless Functionality

  • Season 1 (x): We'll launch targeted product features focusing on intent-based operations and gasless transactions, marking a significant step in reducing operational complexities and costs for our users.

  • Season 2 (y): This season will extend our platform's capabilities by adding new perpetual DEXs, and new chains further broadening our reach and utility in the DeFi landscape.

For Phase 2 of the VOOI rollout, the focus is on refining and finalizing the intent-based and gasless functionalities that are pivotal for enhancing the trading experience on our platform.

Implementation and Testing: The intent-based and gasless features have already been implemented and are currently undergoing thorough testing. This testing phase is crucial for ensuring that these features perform as expected under various trading scenarios and network conditions.

Incorporating Phase 1 Insights: The insights and data gathered from the launch of Phase 1 are invaluable to this phase. They enable us to fine-tune the intent-based and gasless functionalities based on actual user interactions and feedback. By analyzing how traders use the Unified Trading Terminal and their responses to its features, we can make targeted adjustments that significantly enhance functionality and user satisfaction.

Phase 3: VOOI PRO

As our list of supported perpetual DEXs grows, the necessity for advanced automation and efficient order routing becomes paramount. This phase will introduce a sophisticated set of automation tools and smart order routing capabilities, designed to streamline and optimize the trading experience.


Each phase and its seasons are created to build upon the previous, ensuring a logical progression and integration of features that respond directly to the needs of the DeFi trading community. The upcoming sections of our documentation will provide detailed insights into how these goals are achieved, helping users understand the full scope and functionality of VOOI. Stay tuned as we continue to lead innovation in the DeFi space.

Last updated