
Understanding Long and Short Positions in Leverage Trading

Positions can be one of two types:

  1. Long Position

  2. Short Position

Let's see how long and short positions work in leverage trading.

You place orders to open positions. For more information about order types, please refer to VOOI:orderTypes

Long Position

You borrow funds to buy assets, hoping their value rises.

  • Opening a Position: Buy the asset.

  • Closing a Position: Sell the asset.

  • Automatic Closure: The position closes automatically, if the asset price drops to the liquidation price or lower to protect borrowed funds.

Short Position

You borrow assets to sell, hoping their value drops.

  • Opening a Position: Sell the borrowed asset.

  • Closing a Position: Buy back the asset.

  • Automatic Closure: The position closes automatically, if the asset price rises to the liquidation price or higher to protect borrowed assets.

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